James Moran
The James Moran, a ship of 600 tons, sailed under Captain Ferguson and Dr McNee.It left Loch Inver and Loch Broom, on 21st October, 1838, and arrived at Port Jackson on the 11th February 1839. When it arrived, 210 passengers disembarked, including infants born on the voyage.
Most of the 229 passengers on board were clearance victims. They came to Australia under Rev John Dunmore Lang's Bounty Scheme. Two people died on the voyage to Australia. The voyage took 113 days, sailing directly to Cape Town, where it arrived 26th December, 1838. Twenty passengers left the ship there on New Year's Day.
The passenger lists below are taken from the shipping registers at the NSW State Archives in Sydney.
List of family groups on the "James Moran".

List of single female passengers on the "James Moran".

List of single male passengers on the "James Moran".